RTP 2023 - Amendments | MAG

Why does the RTP need to be amended?

MAG's RTP — TransPlan50 — is updated every four years. When a project needs to be added/changed/removed from the RTP before MAG updates the next RTP, an amendment process is initiated. These reasons include requests from UDOT, UTA, the Legislature, and local communities; results of studies; and availability of new funding.

What is the amendment process?

When an amendment is proposed, it must go through the approved RTP Amendment Process before it can be adopted. The proposed change is first analyzed to ensure it meets federal air quality regulations. Proposed funding must also be identified.

Next, the public and stakeholders have an opportunity to provide input through a 30-day public comment process. MAG committees review the proposed change and any public and stakeholder comments and then choose to adopt the changes into the RTP. Once adopted, the amendment officially becomes part of TransPlan50.

The most updated document on the amendment process can be found here: RTP Amendment Process.

What are the types of amendments?

Level 1 | Staff Modification: Exempt1 projects

MAG staff can amend these into the RTP, but this requires approval from MAG's Executive Director and coordination with FHWA and the Interagency Consultation Team.

Level 2 | Board Modification: Non-exempt, non-regionally significant projects

These require approval from MAG's MPO Board, coordination with the Interagency Consultation Team, and an air quality conformity determination from FHWA.

Level 3 | Full Amendment: Non-exempt, regionally significant2 projects

These require approval from MAG's MPO Board, coordination with the Interagency Consultation Team, an air quality conformity determination from FHWA, an air quality conformity analysis, and a 30-day public comment period.

1 "Exempt" projects are those listed in 40 CFR 93.126 and 40 CFR 93.127 that are not subject to the requirements of regional emissions analysis.
2 See 40 CFR 93.101 for the definition of a "regionally significant project."


Any change to MAG's RTP — TransPlan50 — that might increase vehicle air pollution must undergo testing to ensure the additional emissions do not exceed limits set by the State Division of Air Quality (DAQ) with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

This testing is completed using the latest EPA-approved air quality model, an updated Travel Demand Network including all the proposed changes, and input from other air quality agencies. The result is the Air Quality Conformity Report below.