Public Participation | MAG

Public Participation

Planning must be done with the involvement and for the benefit of all the region's transportation stakeholders, businesses, and residents. MAG is guided by federal Title VI and environmental justice mandates and strives to meet these mandates and create an overall transparent, inclusive planning process. MAG is committed to making Title VI and environmental justice a part of its planning process, integrated into all its programs and plans, and a guide for its public participation efforts.

Public Engagement

The current MPO Public Engagement Plan (PEP)                outlines how the MPO works with the public, historically disadvantaged communities, transportation stakeholders, and agencies.

MAG MPO Public Engagement Plan


The current MPO plans outline how the MPO adheres to US Title VI regulations and plans to accommodate people with limited English proficiency or disabilities.

MAG MPO Title VI PlanMAG MPO Limited English Proficiency (LEP) PlanMAG MPO ADA Accessibility Plan

Comments, Complaints

If you have comments or complaints about nondiscrimination programs, please contact our Title VI Program Administer or use the forms below to formally submit your issue. 

Title VI Comments, Complaints Form 
Formulario De Quejas Del Titulo VI