Small Business Loan | MAG

MAG Small Business Loan FUnd

Helping small businesses in Summit, Utah, & Wasatch counties.

Funding that works.

Providing gap funding for start-up and expanding businesses. We are a nonprofit lender that helps people with:

  • Credit history issues
  • Insufficient collateral

  • No financial history
  • Finance gaps

$10,000 to $250,000
loans available

Loan terms of 6
months to 5 years

Competitive & Fixed
Interest Rates

If you are a small business located in Summit, Utah & Wasatch counties, learn more about how MAG Small Business Loan Fund can support you.

Success Story


What started as a school project became a viral sensation when Teresa Jack's solution to wardrobe malfunctions on the dance floor connected with millions on TikTok. Chelsea utilized MAG Small Business Loans for working capital to buy inventory of her innovative dresses. She has continued to grow her business which has 132K followers on Instagram. 

For more information and to schedule a pre-application interview, contact:

Karol Patterson
Loan Program Specialist